WHOIS Information - Register .TW Domain
WHOIS Information - Register .tw Domain & .com.tw domain names
1. Once you register for the .TW domain through the Yuan-Jhen official website, you will receive a bill for domain registration notification. Please go to the Client Area and click "Domains" and "Default WHOIS Information" to fill in your information before making payment.

2. Please enter your information exactly at the Default WHOIS Information and make payment after you have confirmed the correct information. The WHOIS information given will be used to register the domain name.
If the WHOIS information is incomplete, the domain name can not be registered successfully. If the WHOIS information is incorrect, you will be unable to transfer the domain name in the future; the user is responsible, and Yuan-Jhen is not responsible for this issue.

Start to register domain names!
Get started to have a domain name? Register your domain name today with Yuan Jhen. If you have any questions, please contact us through our online contact form or call +886 2 4499-343.
Domain Name Registration