遠振 x WordCamp Taiwan 2021
遠振資訊贊助 WordCamp Taiwan 2021 專屬快閃活動 (活動已結束)
Yuan Jhen Information sponsors WordCamp Taiwan 2021 - Pop-up event (The event is over.)
遠振致力於提供穩定、安全的網站主機空間, 期待您透過問卷給予寶貴的建議,讓遠振持續打造最符合使用者需求與期望的主機服務,於活動期間填寫問卷,遠振將贈送 20 line points 給您! (數量有限,送完為止)。
Yuan Jhen is committed to providing a stable and secure hosting service. We look forward to receiving your valuable suggestions about WordPress for helping Yuan Jhen to improve our service quality. Please complete the survey during the event period to receive the 20 Line Points reward from Yuan Jhen. (Dispatch until zero due to limited quantity)
2.活動獎勵為Line Points 20 點,每人限定只能領取一份。於活動結束後至2021年12月31日前,遠振資訊會陸續以連結序號之方式寄送至符合活動資格並達成指定條件者的Email。Line Points 為 Line 應用程式提供之點數服務,詳細兌換與使用方式請查閱Line官方說明。
2. The event reward is 20 Line Points, one for each only. Yuan Jhen will send out the serial number of Line Points to the email address of the person who meets the qualifications of this event by December 31, 2021.Line points is a rewards service that is provided by Line apps. Please go to Line's official website to get more details about redemption and usage.
3. Participants have the obligation to confirm whether the email address filled in the survey is correct.
4. The organizer reserves the right to modify and adjust the content of the event.
專為 WordPress 打造的主機
以最優惠的價格,取得高規格 WordPress 主機!
WordPress Hosting
Get the high quality hosting at an affordable price!
WordPress 架站
WordPress Website Builder
遠振 WordPress 主機一鍵快速安裝/更新/備份/還原WordPress,內建快取機制提升網站效能。
Yuan Jhen WordPress Hosting has built-in applications,automatic update,installation with one click, and backup and restoration.
Best Value
Our service includes free cPanel, SSl, backup service, malware scanning, and more to come!
Most Stable
主機採高規格配置,由專業工程團隊維護,主機位於 ISO 國際認證機房。
The hosting is configured with high specifications and is maintained by a professional engineering team. Our server is located in the ISO certified data center.
Super fast
Professional database tuning, automatic image compression, and web server optimization with built-in LiteSpeed Web Server will speed up the loading time without sacrificing performance and compatibility!
WordPress 主機是什麼?
What is WordPress Hosting?
遠振專為 WordPress 打造的虛擬主機,在軟硬體上使用符合 WordPress 需求且有效增強 WordPress 網站效能的配置。只需一鍵即可迅速安裝 WordPress 網站,當競爭對手還在下載軟體並嘗試安裝 WordPress 時,您已經開始設計與經營您的網站。
Yuan Jhen WordPress Hosting is specially designed for WordPress, provides one-click installation, auto-update, and various website functions to help you to build your website in a sec and support optimize the WordPress performance.
WordPress 主機適合的網站類型?
Who needs WordPress hosting?
現今全球已有 1/3 的網站是使用 WordPress 架設, WordPress 網站類型涵蓋:部落格(Blog)、電商網站、形象網站、品牌網站、教學平台、會員網站等,適合想要開拓線上商機、發展網路事業的企業或個人!
More than 1/3 websites are currently using WordPress including blogs, e-commerce websites,official websites,brading website, teaching platforms,etc.WordPress Hosting is suitable for both companies or individuals who want to explore online business opportunities and develop online businesses!
為什麼需要 WordPress 主機?
Why we need WordPress hosting?
當您架設 WordPress 網站時,都會產生檔案和資料,包括網站文檔、程式碼、資料庫、網頁、圖片等,而 WordPress 主機的作用就是用來存放這些網站檔案與資料,且只有將製作好的網站存放到 WordPress 主機上,訪客才能透過您註冊的網域連上您的網站。
When you create a WordPress website, files and data, including website documents, code, databases, and pictures will be generated. You can store these documents and data by using WordPress hosting. Your website is hosted and stored on it, visitors can visit your website through your registered domain.
WordPress 主機可以試用嗎?
Is WordPress Hosting available for a free trial?
當然可以試用,遠振提供主機訂購完成後點選【手機簡訊開通試用】,即可獲得 15 日免費試用服務。您也可以申請免費子網域來體驗我們的 WordPress 主機,我們相信可以給您一個非常完美的體驗。
Yuan-Jhen provides a free trial for web hosting by SMS. Click (SMS - start trial) after making the order, the 15 days trial will start immediately.
尋找架設 WordPress 網站的主機嗎?
Looking for a hosting for your WordPress website?
歡迎您直接透過申請 WordPress 主機來查看詳細規格與功能,若您有更多疑問,歡迎來電4499-343 (手機撥打請加 02)或與線上客服諮詢。
If you have questions, please mail us at support@twnoc.net or live chat.